Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pics of the last days at the Haven and Pendla family night

The kids having some lunch

The "hands" painting.
Taking goofy pictures with Taylor's camera.  These boys were funny.


Taylor and me with the gardener from Pendla

Our friend Alex.  I played sports with him all afternoon

The crowd for the class performances

The food line.  Soup, juice, apples, and pb sandwiches.

One of the classes performing

Filling sandwich trays

Cape Gannets, cormorants, and penguins at the SAMREC center.  These birds were found starving or slicked with oil and are rehabilitated in PE before being re-released into the wild.  There were also about thirty rescued chicks who were half the size they should have been.  The areas around PE are over-fished and the water is warming (possibly due to effects of climate change), so the adult penguins must swim about 65 km to find food and the food is fully digested before they can get back and feed the chicks.  African penguins are endangered.

This bird has had one bath, but he is still very dirty with oil. 

A big jelly we found on Kings Beach, in front of Langerry.

dancing along the beach

Taylor grabbed a pic of Laura and I walking back up to Langerry

Kings Beach

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