Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday (Al Rocher anyone?)

This morning we met Suvi at the pier and lay out on the beach for hours.  It was a beautiful day.  The beach was covered with children running around, families under big umbrellas, and boys of all ages playing pick-up games of cricket and rugby in the swash.  After thoroughly sunning ourselves with intermittent ventures into the very cold, crashing waves, we went back to Langerry for a late lunch.
After a bite to eat, I invited Norma, the co-program director and some of the girls I play volleyball with to some yoga on the roof.  The wind whipped our towels around a bit, but it was still nice to attempt to breathe through seemingly impossible hip-opener poses with a few friends.

Culture for Bruce
We capped off the night by heading back to campus for a church service.  The music at the service was gorgeous.  It was cool to see the rhythm and counting concepts we learned about in music show up at Mass.  The small group of about thirty students sang like an amazing choir.  There were many different voice parts and two different melodies, one in two time, one in three time for each Mass part and song.  The music was adapted from the hymns brought over with missionaries to fit the Xhosa people’s musical style and language.  Some of the songs we sang were in English, while others were in Xhosa.  Despite the location in a basement classroom, the energy and friendliness of the students created a pretty service.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a nice relaxing day. Need that as Sabbath is made for the people not people for the Sabbath
