Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tugela Falls Hike

Thursday morning we picked up the car and drove three hours to the Drakensberg Mountains.  We just absorbed the mountain beauty and got comfortable with the backpacker for the most part.  The backpacker is called Amphitheater after the shape created by the mountain peaks surrounding it in a half circle just like an amphitheater.

Friday, we left for a hike to Tugela Falls.  The second highest waterfall in the world and the highest in Africa.  It was a bit chilly, but the hike was beautiful.  We hiked from 10:30-4:30 with a lunch break at the top of a 30 minute (minimum) rock scramble in which we climbed up a gorge that boulders had fallen into to the top for a peak.  From there we walked to the waterfall and down the other side of the peak via two chain ladders- yikes!  With the constant nose-blowing and Taylor’s sprained ankle, we must have looked like some die-hards.  But that hike was the primary reason we traveled all the way to Drakensberg.  We had a two-hour ride back with a sunset that set the clouds alight with yellows and creams.  They really looked like the clouds depicted in the Sistine Chapel.  I had never seen anything like it.  We star gazed a bit when we got back and went to bed (possibly before 9pm) fully satisfied with our day outdoors.
The view from the backpacker

In the car photo-taking

The open space at the backpacker that was eventually filled with campers

On the way to the hike.  It almost looks like Devil's Tower in Wyoming.

On the trail

The view from one of our first breaks


water flowing down the rock face under ice.  It was chilly!

Megan, Bre, Me, Brit, Taylor, and Laura.

Woo hoo CSB

Can you see that we're standing on top of the amphitheater?


The pools that feed the waterfall

the river leading up to the waterfall

yoga: Me-airplane, Bre-tree, Taylor-chair, Brit-warrior II, Meg- downward dog variation, Laura- mountain with dancer hands

Our guide giving directions about the chain ladders

the path on the way back, wrapping around the mountain

yay CSB (again)

It's SO vast when you're on top.

Lookin over the edge

On the way back

Taylor, Laura and I at the top of the waterfall

All of us checking out the view

The chain ladders we climbed down.

The sunset on the way home.  These clouds are pink, but there were yellowy-orange ones later with white on top and golden shadows that were just like a  Renaissance painting


  1. Linds you are awesome! No way I could do this I am so glad you are getting to do some things that perhaps may be a once in a lifetime adventure. But you are young and you could make it back to SA sometime.

  2. I am always in awe of the incredible landscapes you are exploring. I feel a National Park trip coming our way...

  3. All gorgeous!! Enjoy it, enjoy every minute.

