Sunday, March 27, 2011

A local weekend

This weekend we hung around PE, and I couldn't be happier.  We chilled on the roof or beach in the warm sun, read for classes, and chilled. 

On Friday, we celebrated Becka's birthday at Coco de Mer, and then I went to bed early.  I got almost 11 hours of much-needed sleep after a long week.  On Saturday, I worked out in the morning and saw a volleyball net set up on the beach.  I was aching to go play, so I cut my run short and ran out there.  I played a few games of 2 on 2 with people my age and a bit older who go to PE College.  Apparently we will play them next weekend in our tournament.  I was so happy to make some new friends and play volleyball. 

Saturday afternoon I went with some of my flatmates to check out the Cathedral down town.  We heard from previous study-abroaders that it was beautiful.  The building was ok.  I know it is dangerous to compare rather than take things as they are, but I saw it as a less-grand version of Sacred Heart in Eau Claire.  I liked the gospel reading about the Samaritan woman at the well.  It has so many meanings, and a Jesuit who is the chaplain at University of Capetown spoke the sermon.  He was a likable character.  The church also congratulated one of the altar servers for earning her PhD in biochemistry.  It was a funny sensation when most of the servers in the states are young kids. 

After Mass, a friend Lauren, came over to the flat for dinner.  She brought her housemate, Chichi and another friend, Abby.  We had a fabulous time eating pasta, salad, and garlic bread on blankets on the roof looking up at the stars.  After dinner we socialized with the rest of the CSBSJU group in Langerry for a while and went to another flat a few buildings down to a small party there.  We came back around 11 and had girl talk with our guests for a while, and got in bed by 1.  It is so nice to finally have some South African friends after so many weeks of failed attempts.  At least we still have another half of the trip, although I am warned frequently that it will go very fast.

This morning, I ran to the grocery store to get some salad supplies for our group braai tonight and I walked back, stopped at Bargain Books to look for some South African cook books. I found a few titles that I'll check prices online, and decide which ones I want before I leave.  (haha, I am procrastinating writing a paper right now, and I just spent--some may say wasted-- about a half hour looking at cookbooks of the traditional African,. organic, from-the-farm, slow food revolution, etc categories.  What a food nerd =D  It paid off though because I found some of the ones I was looking for for cheaper and they ship free to the US ;) )

When I got back, I spent some more time writing my paper, helped to make the salad, and went for a dip in the ocean quickly before the sunlight ran out with Taylor and Steph, some Bennies on the trip.  I was so, so, so happy in the cool water, letting the waves roll by to shore.  That is about the craziest ride I think I ever want for the rest of my life.  No more roller coasters for me, just let me lay on the top of the water and time my floating so I don't get smacked by a breaking wave.  Today was one of the first times that I really enjoyed the salt water, and I think it was because the waves weren't hectic.  I was able to just relax and float around like I prefer to do in deeper fresh bodies of water. 

Culture for Bruce
Last night, Lauren had some great insight on life, with a memorable saying to boot.  I shared with her a conversation I had with the beach volleyball players Saturday afternoon.  They asked if I had a South African boyfriend yet.  I said no, so they asked if I was married.  I took it to mean that they assumed that every girl should have a boyfriend unless she's married.  Lauren kind of insinuated that for us who are traveling through, we could just date some of the volleyball guys if we wanted, and there is a social coming up that would be prime for introductions.  We asked her if she likes those guys and she explained that she won't date anyone associated with volleyball because she loves to play so much.  She doesn't want to be worried about impressing anyone while she plays or what she looks like while she;s playing.  She wants to devote all of her energy on the court to her passion for the sport.  She also said that when you date someone who everyone else on the team knows, it becomes gossipy and who even wants to think about what happens when the relationship ends.  She summed it up by saying, "I don't poop where I eat."  I love the saying, and I think I will be using it more often.  As far as looking for a relationship with a South African guy while I'm here.  I'm not hopeful or really eager to start that, contrary to some lofty thoughts before I arrived.  I am happy to just be me.  That's enough to figure out.

1 comment:

  1. No matter what you do there your exeriences will be a treasure forever.
